Université Radiophonique et Télévisuelle Internationale

L'Université Radiophonique Internationale (URI) is an important organization in the history of international broadcasting, founded in 1949 in Nice, France.

Creation and objectives

URI was created under the dual sponsorship of UNESCO and Radiodiffusion Française. Its main objective was to develop, broadcast and exchange cultural programs freely, based on the model of free university education.

Historical background

URI was founded in the context of the post-World War II era, when education and culture were viewed education and culture were seen as essential tools for averting new conflicts. Radio was seen as one of the best means of sharing and disseminating knowledge and values.

Evolution towards URTI

In 1961, URI evolved into the Université Radiophonique et Télévisuelle Internationale (URTI). This transformation was prompted by the growing importance of television and the multiplication of antennas. URTI took up the challenge of combining the image (television) with the spoken word (radio).

Legacy and impact

URI, now URTI, has played a significant role in the development of international cultural exchanges through the audiovisual media. Today, URTI continues to be active in organizing international competitions and events for radio and television.
