Art'EShow gathers independant compositors, sculptors, painters and
producers. This site is an experiment, your comments are welcome:<>
If you would like to contact one of us, please
click on <>. (Don't forget
to specify the name!)
If you have a low rate transmission,
be aware that each page is very "heavy" (images delay is a good solution)
Movies are QuickTime movies compressed in CINEPACK. Sounds and videos are
degraded by comppression.
Copies or uses of any items of this server
are prohibited.
This is just the begininig, soon some more!
Gilles Tran (computer pictured story)
Christian Nesler (furniture designer)
Anne Laure Rouxel (Danse, Choregraphie)
Daniele Dekeyser(sculpture)
Olivier Wailly (drawing)
Georges Ouanounou (drawing, painting)
Kristov Lansade (sculpture)
Philippe Moroux (Pictures)
Marc-Joseph Sigaux (choregraphe)
Marie-Paule Deville-Chabrolle (sculpture)
Jan Kounen (cinema & video production)
Claire Niquet (sculpture, ED modelling)
Philippe Laurent (music & concert)
Jean-Luc de Antoni (drawings, inks, sculpture)
Cecile Babiole (computer graphics production)
Mino D.C. (urban painting, computer graphics, moving sculptures)
Cyril Marie Borgnet (graphics Art)
Madame Miniature (music)
Sylvain Beuf (jazz)
Isabelle Olivier (jazz)
Yves Rousseau (jazz)
Luc Le Masne (compositeur)
Limouzin & Creamer (Jazz)
Kamil Tchalaev (Nouvelle Académie Libre)
Anne Joyes (painting)
Elisabeth Loichot (painting)
Heidi Wood (painting)
Pascale Villeger (Motifs pour tissus imprimés)
Laurence Moussel (Illustratrice)
Patrick Delamotte (Photographe)
Oliver Blazy
We like !
Outdoor Sculpture
great french singer and more
"l'homme qui plantait des arbres... et +"
Animation World Network Gallery
La gare d'eau de Mantelot
Pour contacter un des artistes,
poster un message (en indiquant le destinataire)...