
The story of computer graphics is already a long one, while the story of the Web is only beginning. It seems interesting to collect and to present online on the Mediaport the most stimulating samples of numerical scientific simulation and visualization. In those exemples from the best research laboratories, numbers, models and images are merging, with sometimes quite remarquable formal or esthetic inventions.
This images anthology be an encouragement to memory and invention!
Philippe Quéau

Overview :

The French Institut National de l'Audiovisuel (INA) has created a multimedia server centre on the Internet: Mediaport, which will make available the photographs, radio recordings and films for the most part taken from the French radio and television archives administrated by INA.

With the support of the Ministry for Higher Education and Research, INA has decided to create within Mediaport a special section for computer generated images of a scientific nature. This section will be called CyberScience and it will present significant samples of computer generated images which have been created for scientific and technical purposes such as computer generated simulation and animation used.

Mediaport's CyberScience service will thus make available to the users of the Internet a vaste array of the scientific applications of computer graphics. CyberScience's database will also be linked to other similar services on the Internet.

Initially Cyberscience will provide a chronological review of scientific films and images; these excerpts will be selected from Imagina's Research Simulation and Visualization categories of the Pixel Prize as well as from conference videos taken from Imagina 1993-1994.

Copyright :

No animated sequence or still image, or more generally, no information presented within the framework of the CyberScience service, may, in part or in whole, be subject to any exploitation or usage whatsover, without the prior agreement of the authors concerned.

Copyright © 1994-2024
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