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PACE Les Sinus

© Medialab

Image(s): 640*480

Jpeg Image (85 Ko)


  • Pierre Hadadd
    • Biography : After obtaining a scientific baccalauréat at the Lycée Carnot, Pierre Haddad enrolled at the Ecole Supérieure d'lnformatique Electronique et Automatique, where he completed his studies and graduated with Honors at the end of 1991, after a 10 month ~ course at VIDEOSYSTEM. He subsequently stayed on in the MEDIALAB R&D department He is currently working on an interface for processing data obtained from a 3D input system by Cyberware laser rotoscopy. He is participating in the elaboration of a curve editor. He is involved in research concerning the use of 3D positions obtained from a video infrared input system, to provide correct animation of isomorphic, hierarchized skeletons Finally, he is collaborating with Christian Debry on a project to ensure real-time display of volumes reconstructed from scanner images.
  • Christlan Debry
    • Biography : Doctor of Medicine Head of Clinic - Assistant of the Strasbourg Hospitals Cervico-Maxillary-Facial Surgery


Video(s) and extracted images: 320*240

Video QuickTime -> Film/Video (4.3 Mo)
Jpeg Images -> (11 Ko) (10 Ko)


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  • Bibliography :

    1. 93 Imagina "Virtual reality and chirurgy" Pierre Hadadd
    2. 93 Imagina "Virtual reality and chirurgy" Christian Debry

  • Abstract :

    (1)The display of volumes obtained from scanner "slices" requires massive processing because of the logarithms used and the quantities of processed data. Today, the evolution of materials and techniques already allows real-time mobility within these volumes. It will soon be possible to use virtual reality as a surgical guidance tool.

    (2)The anatomic information traditionally available to the surgeon before an operation mainly consist of a set of two-dimensional pictures, which may be radiology or tomodensitometric (scanner) images. These information are often insufficient. In answer to this problem, the new concept developed by Medialab in collaboration with the team directed by Professor Conraux at the Strasbourg University Hospital allows precise analysis and virtual "manipulation" of the organ to be operated. The procedure consists of initial scanner acquisition of about fifty cross-sections of the volume to be observed. The scanner is connected to a processing station (Silicon Graphics). The software interface developed by Medialab allows real-time, three-dimensional reconstruction of this volume. The surgeon, equipped with a display helmet, can observe the three dimensional reconstruction, modifying the viewing angles and enlarging or reducing areas at will. Moreover, the image can be completed by integrating data provided by tissular analysis. Apart from serving as a pedagogical atlas, one of the immediate applications of this system is aid in designing internal prostheses. The medium-term objective is to connect the images thus obtained to various sensors, to incorporate magnetic resonance imaging, and to use these data during the actual operation. The overall project has been made possible thanks to the aid of the Institute Electricité Santé.

  • Some internal links :

    (oo) Same Institute
    (ooo) Rien qu'un souffle
    (ooo) Rock on TV

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