Natural PhenomenaImage(s): 640*480
Video(s) and extracted images: 320*240
DescriptionA pine tree grows, a blobby fountain errupts, a worm drops onto a book and crawls off the edge, and a sun rises over water just before a nuclear winter. Technical InformationProcedural sunrise animation simulating atmospheric and cloud scattering, and showing sunlight reflection off the bottoms of the clouds during "dawn"; animation of the procedural growth of an L-system type pine tree with shadows; Globular dynamics fountain animation - a viscous liquid is simulated with blobbly molecules which have short range repulsion, mid-range attraction and long range indifference; The worm's body is a connected dynamic system with springs and muscle mass, it's forward motion was created dynamically the same way a real worm moves through contraction and contact with the ground. Rendered, modelled and animated using Alias/2 on SGI 4D workstations.More Information...