EVE - Extended Virtual EnvironmentImage(s): 640*480
Video(s) and extracted images: 320*240
DescriptionEve is a new form of virtual reality apparatus and experience. Inside a 12 meter diameter inflatable dome, the spatial position of a videoprojected image is interactively linked to the viewer's point of view by means of tracking device worn on the viewer's head. This controls the movement of two video projectors mounted on top of an industrial robot arm which is positioned in the center of the doma. The projectors generate a stereo pair of images, which is seen as a three dimensionnal image by the participants who are all wearing polarizing spectacles. The interactive movement of this image around the inside surface of the dome thus constitutes a dynamic picture window that is able to evoke a panoramic and immersive virtual image space. Eve has been presented for the first time at the MultiMediale 3 in Karlsruhe. A number of works were especially created for this new context by both artists and scientists.(see the related WWW addresses)
Technical InformationAll are sophisticated real time 3D computer graphics applications exploiting the visualization power of the Silicon Graphics Onyx Reality Engine 2.More Information...