Fashion Show
Image(s): 640*480
Jpeg Image (31 Ko) |
Jpeg Image (23 Ko) |
Jpeg Image (23 Ko) |
- Nadia Magnenat Thalmann
- Daniel Thalmann
- MIRALab Université de Genève, Laboratoire d'infographie,
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Video(s) and extracted images: 320*240
Film 1 |
Video QuickTime -> |
(1.4 Mo) |
Jpeg Images -> |
(9 Ko) |
(10 Ko) |
Film 2 |
Video QuickTime -> |
(2.4 Mo) |
Jpeg Images -> |
(10 Ko) |
(11 Ko) |
Simulation of a dress moving in the wind.
Keys Words :
synthetic actor
physical simulation
Technical Information
Simulation software developped in the Laboratories.
hardware: Silicon Graphics.
More Information...
Bibliography :
Computer Graphics Siggraph 92
Some more Comments :
informations tirées d'un fax de Daniel et Nadia Thalmann