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The portrait of Mr.Metakos
Image(s): 640*480
Jpeg Image (9 Ko) |
Jpeg Image (31 Ko) |
- Eiji Takaoki - Computer Graphics
- Haruhiko Noda (music)
Video(s) and extracted images: 320*240
Film 1 |
Video QuickTime -> |
(3.2 Mo) |
Jpeg Images -> |
(7 Ko) |
This work is Eiji Takaoki personal image about future design
Keys Words :
- Human body
- Biomedical
- metaball
- Art
- Sculpture
Technical Information
- Modeling software : Metaeditor (Meta Corporation Japan)
- hardware : NW3831 (SONY)
More Information...
Bibliography :
"On Metaball and Metabollism", 1992 Imagina proceedings pp VII 7-12
Abstract :
"When you want to make a human face using polygons, you need a huge number
of primitives. On the otherhand, if you employ metaballs, only about 100
primitives will be needed.
Metaball is a primitive used in Computer Graphics.
It has a distribution function that consits of parts of a parabola. Conventional
metaball has a certain error. The algorithm of Metaball was developped by Omura
Group in Osaka University. Coincidentally, J.Blinn independently reported a
similar concept, but he used Gaussian distribution. CG artist, Y.Kawaguchi uses
metaball very effectively.
Super metaball, developped in our laboratory,
includes normal metaball with less errors and eccentric metaball. The latter
has the other parameters: eccentricity and the direction of peak density center.
The equidensity surface of a normal metaball is always concentric, while in an
eccentric metaball, the center of the equidensity surface moves to the peak
density center the degree of fusion is different between one side and the other.
eccentricity (ecc) is 0.0 < = ecc < 1.0
eccentricity is 0.0 where the metaball is just same as normal metaball."
Some internal links :
- Same Author
- From DNA to a chromosome
- Same Institute
- From DNA to a chromosome