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Humming Along
Image(s): 640*480
Jpeg Image (52 Ko) |
Jpeg Image (43 Ko) |
- Paula Sweeney Austel
- Dave Haumann
- Jessica Hodgins
- IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Video(s) and extracted images: 320*240
Film 1 |
Video QuickTime -> |
(2.8 Mo) |
Jpeg Images -> |
(13 Ko) |
Film 2 |
Video QuickTime -> |
(2.6 Mo) |
Jpeg Images -> |
(9 Ko) |
Physically accurate models were combined with control systems
to generate the hovering flight of a hummingbird and the
motion of human-sized clowns on swings, seesaws, and
Keys Words :
- physically-based modeling
- control systems
- animation
Technical Information
- hardware: Images generated on IBM Risc System 6000 machines.
- software: TDImage, Sdfast, MIT leg lab simulation environment.
More Information...
Bibliography :
- Hodgins, J.K., Sweeney, P.K. Lawrence, D.G. 1992. Generating
Natural-looking Motion for Computer Animation. Proceedings
of Graphics Interface '92 265--272.
- Haumann, D., Hodgins, J.K. 1992. The Control of Hovering
Flight for Computer Animation. Proceedings of Computer
Animation 3--19.
Some external links :
- http://www.cc.gatech.edu/gvu/animation/Animation.html
Some internal links :
- Same Institute
- Tipsy Turvy