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Particle Dreams
© Karl Sims & Thinking Machine Corporation
Image(s): 640*480
Jpeg Image (60 Ko) |
Jpeg Image (66 Ko) |
- Karl Sims
- Country : USA
- Biography :
Karl Sims received a B.S. in Life Sciences from M.I.T. in 1984.
After working at Thinking Machines Corporation for a year be
returned to M.I.T. to study graphics and animation at the Media
Laboratory and received an M.S. in Visual Studies in 1987.
He then joined the production research team at Whitney/Demos
Productions in California, and later became co founder and
director of research for Hollywood based Optomystic. He currently
works once again at Thinking Machines Corporation as a research
scientist and artist in residence. His works of animation
include Particle Dreams, Excerpts from Leonardo's Deluge,
Panspermia,Primordial Dance...
He presented at 94 Siggraph his Evolving creatures.
Video(s) and extracted images: 320*240
Film 1 |
Video QuickTime -> |
(3.2 Mo) |
Jpeg Images -> |
(11 Ko) |
(10 Ko) |
Film 2 |
Video QuickTime -> |
(3.0 Mo) |
Jpeg Images -> |
(9 Ko) |
(14 Ko) |
(15 Ko) |
This piece contains a collection of dream sequences which were created
using 3D particle systems techniques. An explosion, a snowstorm, a
tumultuous head, and a waterfall were each procedurally animated
using particle systems behavior description language. Data-parallel
computation was used to perform physical simulations on thousands
particles simultaneously, one virtual processor for each particle.
Technical Information
- Sound: Robert Moore, BLC Sound
- Hardware: Connection Machine System CM-2
More Information...
Bibliography :
Sims, K., "Particle Animation and Rendering Using Data Parallel Computation",
CG (Siggraph '90 proceedings), Vol.24, n°4, August 1990, pp.405-413.
Some internal links :
- Same Author
- Primordial Dance
Some more Comments :
First 89 INA Research Pixel Prize