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Image(s): 640*480

Jpeg Image (22 Ko)



Video(s) and extracted images: 320*240

Video QuickTime -> Film/Video (3.1 Mo)
Jpeg Images -> (9 Ko)

Video QuickTime -> Film/Video (3.3 Mo)
Jpeg Images -> (10 Ko)

Video QuickTime -> Film/Video (4.4 Mo)
Jpeg Images -> (11 Ko)

Video QuickTime -> Film/Video (3.2 Mo)
Jpeg Images -> (13 Ko)


"ENDGAME" features a hypothetical game of chess between a human and a robot in a futuristic world. This animation is NOT key-framed! Instead, the motions were specified at the task-level and computed automatically by a manipulation planner invented by Stanford University graduate student, Yoshihito Koga.

Technical Information

The motions in "ENDGAME" were computed on a DEC Alpha AXP by Yoshihito Koga. The Human Arm Inverse Kinematics Algorithm is that of Koichi Kondo. The images in the film were ray-traced using POVRAY 2.0 on an DEC Alpha AXP and several DEC 5000s. The modelling and rendering is the work of James Kuffner, Jr. and Koichi Kondo. The original music and sounds were composed by Jonathan Norton. The final animation was rendered, composed, and edited by James Kuffner, Jr. Professor Jean-Claude Latombe, director of the Stanford Computer Science Robotics Laboratory was the chief scientific advisor for the production.

More Information...

  • Bibliography :

    Y. Koga, K. Kondo, J. Kuffner, and J.C. Latombe, "Planning Motions with Intentions", Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '94 (Orlando, Florida, July 24-29, 1994). In "Computer Graphics Proceedings" (July, 1994), pp. 395-408.

  • Abstract :

    We apply manipulation planning to computer animation. A new path planner is presented that automatically computes the collision-free trajectories for several cooperating arms to manipulate a movable object between two configurations. This implemented planner is capable of dealing with complicated tasks where regrasping is involved. In addition, we present a new inverse kinematics algorithm for the human arms. This algorithm is utilized by the planner for the generation of realistic human arm motions as they manipulate objects. We view our system as a tool for facilitating the production of animation.

  • Some external links :

    (oo) Automatic Animation of Human Motion

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