Founded in 1977 under the patronage of the Ministry of the
Happy Biomass, the Institute for Recreative Ecology is dedicated
to the recreation, for the benefit of present and future generations, of the typical
environments of past life forms we know only through the printed
material inherited from our forefathers. Our very first work, so successful that IRE was
endowed a perennial revenue afterwards, was to generate the living grounds of an
intelligent species known as the Sublime.
Contemporary documents construed its black and white coat as a camouflage against numerous
and mysterious enemies. Thus, it was logical for IRE to recreate a environment where the
massive Sublime would be as little conspicuous as possible. But IRE clearly outdid itself
when it found a likely purpose for the odd postero-ventral organ that had baffled hitherto
the greatest brains of the time. A young IRE scientist, now a
head of Department, came up with the breakthrough idea that the organ itself was part of
the camouflage. It was obvious that the Sublime's environment was full of these pink, bloboid objects and that the Sublime was moving among them in full
disguise. IRE presented a 3D installation during the International Symposium on