The ExtrudeSpline (extsplin.pov) macro extrudes a shape spline curve along a path spline curve and creates a mesh (that can be saved as an include file). Macros based on this algorithm were used to create the branches in Scales and the trunks in La Selva de la Palabras. Daniele Varrazzo has created a much more complete shaper/lofter macro for POV-Ray. |
The little horn macroThis macro (horn.pov) creates a couple of horns made of cones and spheres. The horns have a slight bulge at the base but otherwise they look nice. To find somebody to put these horns on may prove more difficult. |
Wrapping a height-field on a sphereThis technique requires a version of POV that supports isosurfaces. The source for the image on the right is available here ( It contains the pov file and a png file for the height field. The idea is to create a function using a pigment{image_map{}} statement and then mix it with one describing the basic object (a sphere in this example). The catch is to have in the pigment statement the map_type corresponding to the object. In this example, map_type 1 (spherical mapping) is used. |
Deforming a sphere using an isosurface pigment functionThis technique requires a version of POV that supports isosurfaces. Each sphere is deformed by a isosurface pigment function using a different pattern. From left to right, top to bottom: agate, boxed, bozo, bozo, crackle, dents, granite, leopard, ripples, spiral1, spiral2, wrinkles. The source for the image on the right is available here (testisopigs.pov). For comprehensive isosurface tutorials, see the pages of Samuel Benge, Mike Williams and Fabien Mosen (the latter in French). |